Academy of Chinese Culture
& Health Sciences

Academy of Chinese Culture
& Health Sciences

Student Virtual Townhall 4/10/20

The ACCHS Admin is dedicated to supporting all constituents during this time, and recognizes that there is an interconnectedness at play; how everyone is doing affects how everyone else is doing. We are developing guidelines and resources to help students and faculty navigate the distance learning experience, to minimize undue stress or disproportionate expectation on everyone. We understand that the present circumstances are disruptive to every member of the ACCHS Community, and that no one has an increased capacity, but rather the opposite is true. We are working hard to ensure that your student learning experience remains exceptional, and minimizes the challenges with online learning to the greatest extent possible. 

Online / Distance Education Task Force
The ACCHS Admin have created a task force and brought in subject matter experts (Karin Parramore & Anthony Von der Muhll) to develop training for faculty to tackle the challenges of online learning. Class sessions will be broken up, so there can be activities such as pre-recorded lecture or readings, reflections on a given topic, etc. that have to be done before a face-to-face online session, and then specific reflections or assignments completed after class. This can break up a 3-hour class into several components, only one of which must be fulfilled as face-to-face time. This can allow greater flexibility in managing your schedule, and reduce the toll of an 8-hour day in front of the computer. 

Please click on the individual topics below the video to learn more about ACCHS position going into the Summer 2020 trimester along with responses to specific topics of interest brought forward by the student body. 

Thank you!
— ACCHS Admin

(click tabs below for detailed information on a topic)

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