Academy of Chinese Culture
& Health Sciences

Academy of Chinese Culture
& Health Sciences

Campus Update 3/16/2020

Dear ACCHS Community,

In light of the “shelter in place” mandate that has gone into effect for Alameda, Marin, and San Mateo, San Francisco, Santa Clara, and Contra Costa counties, some modifications have been made to yesterday’s post regarding “access to the school.” With heavy hearts, by order of Alameda county officials, we are announcing that the Academy of Chinese Culture and Health Sciences will close its doors beginning on Tuesday, March 17, 2020. You may view the “shelter in place” order here –

The order maintains that residents of Alameda county shelter in place. “This Order shall become effective at 12:01a.m. on March 17, 2020 and will continue to be in effect until 11:59 p.m. on April 7, 2020, or until itis extended, rescinded, superseded, or amended in writing by the Health Officer.”


To the extent possible, and to maintain and facilitate distance education and normal student matriculation for the remainder of the spring trimester, some Academy administrators will be operating from the facility and/or remotely. The Empower portal will stay live and administrators in various departments will be answering emails and conducting school operations as needed. In short, we are still answering emails and assisting with normal school-related issues to the extent possible.

By now, you should have received some communication from your instructors regarding didactic course instruction and how migration to online mediums will unfold. For some courses that require hands-on practice, instructors may need to make-up class hours after the Order mandate is lifted.


The clinic’s admin is working with clinical supervisors as quickly as possible to incorporate a combination of clinical case studies and practical clinical hours that will need to be made up after the Order mandate is lifted and the clinic re-opens. We apologize for this disruption and will continue to work for you during these difficult times.

More importantly, please be sure that you are staying safe and keeping with any routine that maximizes the safety and well-being of you and your loved ones. We will continue to post updates as they unfold on the web page.

In health and community,
Andres Bella, Acting President

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Campus Update 3/15/2020

We are closely monitoring the current COVID-19 outbreak and will close the campus doors March 17, in line with “shelter-in-place” mandates. Please pay attention to email for communications with the school, and forward and disseminate communications to classmates and instructors if you think may not be receiving them

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