Academy of Chinese Culture
& Health Sciences

Academy of Chinese Culture
& Health Sciences

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Orthopedic Testing and Muscle Testing for the Acupuncturist

The course is approved for 14 CEU’s through NCCAOM and CA. It will cover orthopedic and muscle tests of the entire body from the cervical spine down to the big toe. We will cover the tests I’ve found to be most clinically useful and relevant. There will be hours of supervised practice to ensure everyone feels comfortable implementing the tests in the clinic.

This course is being offered by our partner – The Acupuncture and Movement Project

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12/15/2024 CEU Registration Form

Orthopedic Acupuncture Approaches for Common Foot and Ankle Disorders
Weixiang Acupuncture-Fang's Scalp Acupuncture

Orthopedic Acupuncture Approaches for Common Foot and Ankle Disorders
Weixiang Acupuncture-Fang's Scalp Acupuncture