Taiji Class Spring Outing to Locke on Saturday, 3/1
Taiji instructor Lou Wei and students have planned a special “field study and practice” session in Locke, California. All students from both English and Chinese classes are warmly invited to join. Please register by scanning the WeChat QR code before February 15 to help us coordinate with local hosts and arrange carpooling.
Tentative Schedule:
8:30 AM – Meet at school and depart for Locke (estimated arrival at 10:00 AM).
10:00 – 10:30 AM – Warm-up session and Taiji practice.
10:30 AM – 12:00 PM – Guided tour of Locke by a third-generation Chinese American:
30 min: Overview of local geography and history (English).
30 min: Visit three historical museums on the main street.
30 min: Tour the Locke Boarding House.
12:10 – 1:30 PM – Picnic lunch (bring your own) with a lecture by the instructor on springtime diet therapy, meridian health, and the Five Elements in Taiji.
1:30 – 2:30 PM – Taiji practice, evaluations, and observation.
2:30 – 3:00 PM – Free time.
3:00 PM – Return trip.
Important Notes:
This is a student-organized event, not an official school activity.
Students interested in joining should scan the QR code with Wechat to register.
Family members are welcome, but this event is not suitable for young children.
A suggested budget of $10 per participant:
$5 donation to the Locke Foundation for museum development.
$5 for drivers to cover transportation costs.
More About Locke, CA:
Locke is the only town in the U.S. built entirely by Chinese immigrants. Learn more:
BBC News: Locke, California – The Only Chinese-Built Town in the U.S.
Painter Hou Ning – Earth’s Child
Voices: Chinese Women of the Delta (YouTube)
We look forward to a meaningful and enriching experience together!
3/1 周六太极课乐居踏青:
太极课娄伟老师与同学们商议做一次“实地考察学习练功课” 。大家将直接到加州古镇洛克(乐居)活动。我们热情邀请中英文各班同学踊跃参加并请于 2/15日前,通过微信扫码报名,
8:30am – 在学校集合出发,预计 10点 到达 Locke。
10:00 – 10:30 到达后简短活动并练习太极
10:30 – 12:00 参观樂居鎭,由第三代美籍華人導覽乐居古镇
—30min 英文講解地理和歷史
—30min 参观主街的三個文物館
—30min 参观 Locke Boarding House
12:10 – 1:30 分享自带自助午餐,席间老师讲授仲春食疗与经络疏通法,
1:30 – 2:30 练习太极 / 考试 / 观摩
2:30 – 3:00 自由活动
3:00 返程
了解更多:加州乐居镇:美国唯一由华人建造的小镇 – BBC News 中文
《声⾳:河⾕上的华裔⼥性》(Voices: Chinese Women of the Delta),其讲述了华人女性如何帮助塑造加州三角洲的故事。