Academy of Chinese Culture
& Health Sciences
top Acupuncture and TCM School
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Located at the Heart of the Bay
Engage in vibrant and historic Downtown Oakland

Different than other downtowns, Oakland’s isn’t about just business. Downtown Oakland is a vital crossroads, where all the cultures meet, eat and sleep. To say Downtown Oakland is eclectic and diverse would barely skim the surface.

The ACCHS campus is a block from Oakland’s City Center and mere steps away from the 19th Street BART station. Public transit options are plenty with easy access to BART heavy rail, bus lines, and bicycle routes. There are spots to lock up your bike, including secure indoor bike lockers.

Downtown Oakland is the vibrant cultural heart of the East Bay. ACCHS is proud to be part of one of the most diverse and progressive city landscapes the state, and indeed the country, has to offer.
Level Up Your Education
Start Your Career as an Acupuncturist at
a Top Acupuncture and TCM School